How To Watch Jw Meeting Online

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This is an authorized Web site of Jehovah's Witnesses. It is a research tool for publications in various languages produced by Jehovah's Witnesses. Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY. How to run windows on max. Sunday meetings: jv 238, 240. Watch Tower Study: kr 173; jv 252. Workers' Meetings: jv 247. If you're new to Zoom and to virtual conferencing, it can be a little overwhelming. So I'm going to break down Zoom for meeting attendees. We'll focus on the.


Latest BOE letter: How to install the xbox app.

October 22, 2015

Re: Use of JW Stream

Dear Brothers:
We are writing to inform you that arrangements are being made for video recordings of
congregation meetings, circuit assemblies, and conventions to be uploaded to JW Stream (accessible
at in various languages. The branch office will determine which congregations,
circuits, and conventions will upload the recordings. Foreign-language pregroups,
groups, and congregations who have received approval from their circuit overseer may make use
of these recordings. The October 23, 2015, letter to all bodies of elders contains the latest direction
regarding this matter and other matters involving the foreign-language field.
Accessing and Viewing Recordings: Elders and ministerial servants who have a
login have been given access to view all recorded meetings, assemblies, and conventions that are
uploaded to JW Stream. The same credentials that are used when logging in to are used
when logging in to JW Stream. After logging in and selecting the desired language, a list of recorded
events in the target language will be shown. If possible, the recorded meeting should be
downloaded to a computer or other media playback device rather than be streamed so that Internet
connection problems do not interrupt the meeting.

Accessing and Viewing Recordings: Elders and ministerial servants who have a
login have been given access to view all recorded meetings, assemblies, and conventions that are
uploaded to JW Stream. The same credentials that are used when logging in to are used
when logging in to JW Stream. After logging in and selecting the desired language, a list of recorded
events in the target language will be shown. If possible, the recorded meeting should be
downloaded to a computer or other media playback device rather than be streamed so that Internet
connection problems do not interrupt the meeting.
Recordings of congregation meetings will be available for one week. Recordings of assemblies
and conventions will be available until they are replaced with the next year's event. In
many cases, this will enable brothers in foreign-language pregroups and groups to watch an
event at the same time and in the same location that their host congregation or circuit attends the
event. These recordings are provided for viewing by pregroups, groups, and congregations who
have received approval to do so from their circuit overseer. The recordings should not be distributed
for other purposes.
Homebound and Isolated Publishers: The Invitation feature on JW Stream can be used
to send a link to a specific recording via e-mail. Congregations and foreign-language pregroups
and groups that have been approved to view recordings of meetings, assemblies, and conventions
may use this feature to allow homebound publishers in their congregations to view such recordings.
This provision does not supersede arrangements for homebound publishers to tie in to their
own congregation meetings.
If because of sickness or other circumstances a publisher is unable to attend an assembly
or convention to which his congregation is assigned, the elders may determine that he qualifies to
receive a link to an assembly or convention that has been uploaded to JW Stream. There is no
need to announce this provision to the congregation. The publisher should be instructed that the
link is not to be shared with anyone else and that he should not view the assembly or convention
before his congregation attends. Since this provision involves technology that may be difficult
Re: Use of JW Stream
October 22, 2015
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for the elderly and infirm to use, elders should be alert to provide assistance. If the elderly and
infirm do not have equipment to access the program, please have publishers who are familiar
with this technology assist them by loaning equipment, providing downloaded files, or in some
other way making it available to them.
Suggested Equipment and Internet Service: Pregroups, groups, and small or isolated
congregations may contact the Local Design/Construction Department for a listing of suggested
equipment after they have received approval from their circuit overseer to use these recordings.
Reliable and fast Internet service is required to stream recorded meetings directly from
JW Stream. An Internet service with a download speed of 3 Mbps or greater is recommended,
but a download speed of 1.5 Mbps should be considered the minimum.
Implementation: Priority will be given to uploading recordings of congregation meetings,
assemblies, and conventions in languages that currently have The Watchtower. It may take
several months before recordings in some languages are uploaded. Until then, please continue to
use existing arrangements for tying in to or distributing recordings of congregation meetings,
assemblies, and conventions.
We feel that this approach will assist foreign-language pregroups, groups, and congregations
to receive nourishing spiritual food in a simple, sustainable, and expandable manner. It
should help interested ones to continue learning 'about the magnificent things of God' in the
language they best understand.—Acts 2:11.
Please be assured of our warm Christian love and best wishes.

Jw Online Library Videos

Last year, an Australian commission found that the Jehovah's Witnesses were turning a blind eye to serious problems within their ranks. The Royal Commission's report said kids were not 'adequately protected from the risk of sexual abuse' in the organization.

And just last month, in Canada, a $66 million class action lawsuit was filed against the Witnesses by victims who said the religious group not only failed to prevent abuse but didn't do much even after it was reported.

Part of the problem is the Watchtower Society's own policies, like the 'Two-Witness rule,' which says church elders shouldn't take seriously a victim's account of abuse unless another person witnessed it… even though the only other person around may have been the abuser himself.

In many cases, the accused abusers aren't disciplined in any meaningful way. Sometimes they remain in the organization, giving them an opportunity to strike again. It's all too similar to the problems that have long plagued the Catholic Church.

You would think that members of the Jehovah's Witnesses would be appalled by all this. That they would demand reforms from the inside. That at least some people would leave the religion in protest.

But, unlike the Catholic Church, Jehovah's Witnesses really live in a bubble where they're insulated from outside criticism. They're taught to avoid critics. They're told that ex-Witnesses are notoriously litigious. The policy of disfellowshipping says Witnesses shouldn't have any interactions with ex-Witnesses, even if they're family members.

That makes it very hard to let members know about the awful things being done by the Watchtower Society, what critics are saying about them, and why. It's not like their church elders are going to talk about it. And like Donald Trump writing off all criticism of him as 'fake news,' Witnesses are likely to think any lawsuits against their church are being filed by 'enemies' trying to persecute them.

The problem isn't that no one is telling them the truth. The problem is that Witnesses are predisposed not to listen to the critics.

That's why, over the past week, ex-Jehovah's Witnesses have been crashing meetings at Kingdom Halls (their churches) in order to let members know what's really going on. They pose as believers and sit through the sermon, but then, during a time when visitors can get access to the microphone, the protesters spew facts about the Witnesses and the abuse scandals.

Imagine protesters yelling from the rafters on Capitol Hill or during a confirmation hearing. They'll be whisked away soon enough, and they know that, but not before they can make their point to those willing to listen.

On Sunday, YouTuber and ex-Witness Amy K. visited a Kingdom Hall in Kenosha, Wisconsin. When she had the opportunity, she told the crowd, 'The money that we donate to the organization is going to protect pedophiles.'

Her mic was cut off almost immediately, so she just stood up and addressed the crowd directly.

It wasn't long before she was removed from the room.

She wasn't alone. Also on Sunday, ex-Witnesses visited a Kingdom Hall in Mahwah, New Jersey to do the same thing. Watch this starting around the 3:10 mark:

As soon as the first gentleman is escorted out, another young woman begins speaking about the abuse she suffered as a Witness. 'How does this stop?' she asks the elders. (They don't respond.)

When she's kicked out, another woman stands up to say, 'My ex-husband is a pedophile. He raped two children in the Kingdom Hall… You all can talk to my pedophile ex-husband, but you can't talk to me because I left [and was disfellowshipped]. He beat me for 11 years, [and] you asked what I did to antagonize him.'

Another woman: 'I lost my virginity to a rape and was disfellowshipped for it. They told me it was my fault for going to a bar with a ‘worldly' boy.'

Another tells the congregation to visit

There's more.

On Sunday, another group of people visited the JW headquarters in Warwick, New York to protest and get answers from the Governing Body (the leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses) about how they planned to tackle the problems.

They didn't get a response from Governing Body members… but they did get the sprinkler system turned on them.

(One protester jokes: 'I'm not afraid of water! I'm an apostate!')

The protests may have had an effect.

This week, the Watchtower Society released a video addressing the protests (without explicitly saying so) and the Two-Witness Rule. The timing is almost too perfect to be coincidental. In essence, Governing Body helper Gary Breaux doubled down on the group's actions and ridiculous policies while condemning the critics.

The YouTuber who put that together shared his frustration near the end of the video:

This has nothing to do with love. This has nothing to do with God or the Bible. This has to do with their appearance. And that's it. That is the only reason why they are not protecting their children.

We did all of that this weekend so that you might consider to change this one little thing that might get us off your backs! And you couldn't do it! Photo editing sites free download. You doubled down! You used your entire weight to further indoctrinate your people!

Earlier today, I asked Amy K., who made that first video, what she hoped to accomplish from her protest. Did she really think people would leave the Kingdom Hall by hearing her words? Was she hoping to start some sort of revolt?

Her response was much simpler than that: 'I would love it if the people in that Hall just Googled the information.'

Jw Meetings Online

That's all. She wants them to visit sites like where they can learn about the abuse cover-up and the allegations against the Witnesses.

She also wanted members to read the case details. Read the Royal Commission's report. Be aware of what's happening. And more than anything else, she wanted them to think twice before leaving their children alone with a JW elder. If there's abuse or a child says he was improperly touched, Amy wants the parents to report the matter to local police instead of leaders within the church where the abuse happened.

And while these protests weren't all coordinated, Amy hoped that the sheer number of them, all taking place within a short time span, would get Witnesses talking to each other about the issues they raised. The elders may not bring up child abuse during a Kingdom Hall meeting, but perhaps the members of the congregation could bring it up in a private setting with their friends.

I know there are people who write off protests as ineffective forms of persuasion, but when you're dealing with what some people call a cult, infiltrating their meetings may be the best way to get through to members.

If nothing else, maybe the protesters planted small seeds of doubt that might eventually blossom and help the people who are being misled by JW leaders.

(A small portions of this article was published earlier)

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